A new single release from Michelle Lockey hits with a cinematic vastness but also a very personal and honest approach that gets you quickly attached to the song itself but also to her as a person.
The way that she opens up and wears her heart on her sleeve is very one on one but it's the way she articulates her words that really make that impactful connection because then things become even more relatable.
"Why Don't You Choose Me?" is one of those songs where you picture your own situations from your own life and people from your world and that's not something you come along often so when it happens it's very refreshing.
Michelle has a beautiful way vocally because her approach is very balanced and can come through with an almost floating effect at times so the song ends up having an atmosphere that you can swim through.
You can clearly tell this is based on something genuine and real which gives a song and authenticity and lets you understand what's going on.
It's the type of song that was maybe cathartic for her to write and release but the beautiful thing about that is for the listener, they also feel something from it especially if they understand that situation.
This was graceful, especially in terms of the Sonic structure and musical textures of the song.
Everything has this flowing effect to it and you find yourself flowing right along with it right off the bat.
This single feels like floating face up in a lake staring at the stars in the night sky and reminiscing with just yourself about your past.
Because of that it has a strangely nostalgic effect on the listener.
Well, it did for me anyway.
Now, this song does have a wonderful acoustic backbone to it so it's like an indie folk song of sorts but there are other elements on top of that that give it that added cinematic approach as well.
You could easily see this in the scene of a film or TV show and believe it or not, Michelle is no stranger to that either as she's had a multitude of placements in television which is absolutely no surprise to me.
I think that this song definitely meant something to her and now that it's released maybe she has that message off of her chest.
This was a beautifully woven single release that has a wonderful way of letting you get engulfed in the soundscape and the words.
If you like the track which I'm sure you will, I highly suggest jumping over to her Spotify page and dinging through her massive back catalog of singles that date back to 2010 because when you do that you can actually follow the evolution of her as an artist and most likely as a person.
Definitely, someone to keep an eye out for, Michelle Lockey has been Paving a path for herself musically for quite some time and we look forward to whatever she comes up with next.
Check this truck out with headphones on so you can really soak it in the way it was meant to be.