An album release from Flobe delivers a very robust and almost genre-bending approach as the artist delivers an in-depth set of textures and soundscapes that layer top each other and give off this sense of alternative pop and during that course, you also get elements of dream pop, vintage pop, and so much more all wrapped up in this massive record and throughout it all, you start to get a sense of character.
The Living in a Saturday album is the kind of record that you listen to as a whole because if you only listen to one or two tracks you're not getting anywhere near the full spectrum of what the record actually has to offer.
There are no two songs that are the same or like, but there is still this confluence and glue that holds the entire album together to the point where it almost feels like it's a concept record lyrically.
This was a wild array of hard-hitting beats, vast undertones, cinematic backbones, and driving Sonic sounds and it all came together with such a forward-moving flow that it makes perfect sense.
I get a sense of '90s old pop crossed with vintage synth pop, and other influences shining through in different tracks throughout the record and by the time you get halfway through the album, you start to begin to expect the unexpected.
This to me is endlessly fun because nothing on this record is cookie cutter. All of it is avant-garde and a little bit outside the box but it has this authenticity to it that makes you want more and more with each track.
The vocal approach is great because it delivers catchy melodies and lyrics that you start paying attention to but it's the production of this record that really reaches out and grabs you because it just packs such a punch.
You can tell there was a lot of attention to detail paid during the creation of this alt-pop masterpiece but with all that, there's still a lot of personality and character attached to it and I think that's what you end up getting attached to as well.
I do get a strong sense of cinematic undertone with a number of these tracks and I love how they sort of play into each other as well, bringing me back to the whole concept record thing.
There's also this energy level that's completely unstoppable and the whole thing has a lot of surprises around the corners so it's musically very expansive in a way.
I definitely dig the Vibes that this record gives off and how you have such an element of shock with some of the songs.
Being able to listen to a record in full and still want more was very refreshing and this album as a whole, is like an escape because it pulls you away from your surroundings and puts you in a different place altogether.
For people that love 90s old pop, cinematic pop, anything that boasts surprises, an edge, some heart and a lot of character, This record is 100% for you because it's very inventive.
There are a lot fewer boundaries than you may be used to and that I think is kind of the future of what pop music should be anyway.
This record does indeed bend genres at free will and it does an amazing job at that so it is danceable, there's as much color as there is edge, and there's never a dull moment.
I would suggest again, listening to the full record if you have the time and it is only about 26 minutes long so I'm sure you do, and i will also go ahead and suggest that you listen to this with headphones on or at least nice and loud so you can really soak in everything that's going on in the record.
Pop on some headphones, close your eyes, and see where this record takes you because it certainly will take you someplace.
Remember where you heard it first.