A recent album release from Aaron McDonald has a way of delivering a vast country tonality that beckons across of vintage and a fresh approach at the same time all with a very full-bodied set of instrumentation and an almost cinematic feel at times.
The record is called Midnight Pool Mix and it does bear a lot of personality in the form of lyrics that are kind of descriptive and very honest so there are plenty of songs on the record that come through as relatable and genuine.
You can also hear the classic rock influence that the record tends to give off, but I think that's what makes this album a little special. It blends these different genres and does so with such a refreshing approach and one of my favorite aspects about the entire thing is the amount of guitar hooks there are across this record.
There are some amazing choruses of course and that's a very common thing with good music but, musical hooks are something that I've missed on a lot of different kinds of music from country to rock and everything in between.
To hear an album that's just oozing with musical hooks left and right is really rejuvenating for me because I feel like that's a different attribute then just a chorus itself so there are guitar licks that stick in your head and bounce around in there just as much as a good chorus would.
This is the kind of thing that happened in classic country and classic rock music that I grew up with and even before my time as well so I'm really happy to hear Aaron bringing that aspect back into the mix because it's much needed especially in our day and age.
This record has some lap steel, acoustic and electric guitar, organs that fill the space and create an atmosphere, and so much more all rolled up into one record and this is certainly a record that you need to listen to as a whole instead of just a few tracks because if you only hear a few songs, then you're not really getting the whole range of what the record gives off.
This album has a lot of life and some of the songs feel like they serve as chapters in Aaron's life but memories of your own can pop into your head while you listen to some of these songs because of how descriptive they can be lyrically and that's very connective musically.
You can tell that Aaron is someone who has I genuine love for the craft of songwriting and delivering songs that have a little bit of a deeper meaning and come from someplace real while keeping those hooks in there and making things catchy while staying true to the genre.
It's a lot for an artist to pull off but I think Aaron does it naturally and so it works with a flow on this record.
He has but he does it right because none of this is overdone. Everything is delicately balanced and comes through with just the right energy to make an impact and that vastness in a lot of the songs is what makes things a bit cinematic here and there.
These are not small songs. These are big pieces of music that involve instruments that complement each other constantly and the arrangements and compositions for a lot of these songs were brilliantly done.
This is a release that has heart and personality which are two things that are again, much needed and at times missed these days so have a good listen to this record, and again, I can't hurt enough how you should be listening to this from beginning to end, and you'll get pulled right into this whole thing.