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Writer's pictureR.A.G.

A Brand-New Covers Album from Mourning Coffee

A brand-new album release from Mourning Coffee comes through with a wonderful and very personal, one-on-one style approach that lets the songs feel like live performances that you're actually watching in real time which adds to the character of the performances and the way everything is delivered as a whole.

The album is called Mourning Covers and consists of cover songs with such a wildly eclectic range that at first, it's kind of mind-blowing but the more you listen to the record the more you get a feel for how this is actually being approached and it works like a charm.

These tracks are delivered with a warm sort of singer-songwriter feel and again, it does have this live performance aesthetic and energy to it, and this really helps pull you into each of the songs very quickly so let's get into some of the songs that are actually covered throughout this record.

I'm going to start with my favorites here.

First, we have "Dreams" originally by Fleetwood Mac of course and this is a beautiful approach that still holds true to some of the original style of the song but gives it a different feel and layer and this is what happens with a lot of the songs.

Another one of my top choices from this entire record is " Don't Fear the Reaper" originally by Blue Oyster Cult and this really gets you with vocal Harmony and that acoustic backbone because it gives almost more attention to the lyrics than the original does which is amazing because of course the lyrics are super imperative with this track.

I love the approach of all of these covers because there's definitely a unique spin on them and by the time you get through the first couple you're really intrigued and allured because you want to know how the rest of them are going to be done.

My third favorite track of this record is a Timbaland cover called "Say Something", and this is such an outstanding one.

There is such a cool approach and how he puts together the lyrical phrasing to the music and brings a song.

It's really impressive how this whole aesthetic is brought over from all these different kinds of songs.

We have Pearl Jam, The Foxfires, Sea Wolf, and Death Cab for Cutie all part of this release of uniquely performed covers.

I think it's just fun to hear how all these different kinds of songs obviously influenced this artist in the first place and now he's sort of giving back a little bit and doing it in his own unique way.

The songs come across addictive and you end up liking some of them even more than the originals because it's such a different spin on them.

This project is held by a singer-songwriter based out of New Jersey who's previously been signed to a few different record labels and has already received praise and seen great success with previous releases.

Upon listening to this album, I had to take a little bit of a deep dive into previous releases I found on the Spotify account and there's a lot released since just 2022 alone.

A lot of these songs have little bits of different sides of songwriting approach and there is everything from Singles to EPs and other full albums that have been dropped.

This is enough music to sort of fill your day which is something I truly suggest you do.

Start with this album and work your way back through that catalog because it's well worth your time.

Check this record out as soon as you can especially if you're a fan of unique covers that bear their own character and personality and still give pieces of the original song at the same time.

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