A fresh single release from Layne Tadesse brings a reggaeton flare and crosses it with a bright and catchy pop tone that all lets you get wrapped up in the music.
"Bittersweet" seems to come from a real place and the lyrics just let the artist wear his heart on his sleeves as the song flows into its hooks and choruses that get so stuck in your head, you end up singing them for days on end.
The single has a colorful style and brings an array of textures together to create a beautiful atmosphere that comes through heartfelt and memorable.
The release has an anthemic feel and there is this wonderful powerful drive behind it that works perfectly.
This is incredibly catchy and doesn't really let up. Tadesse really shows he knows how to get a hook floating around your brain.
The song boasts a great use of synths and keys to give it that pop sheen and the vocals are loaded with impactful melodies that build the song into its climaxes.
With such a vibrant release, we wanted to have a chat with Layne Tadesse to find out where exactly this song came from and what may be next for him as an artist.
Here's what happened.
RAG: Okay so let's start with "Bittersweet". The track has such a genuine R&B tonality to it! Where did this single come from?
Well, I've been working on my album co-writing with my bro in law kc jones.. so he mentioned to me about it and we created the melodies the productions was created by Malcom Eric Murry (aka Nutty P Beats) & Julian Andres Baca (aka WhoLee)
RAG: I'm hearing some great styles on this release. Who are some of your biggest musical influences?
I have had some great influence in this musical journey like Bob Marley Peter Tosh Don Henly Prince Marvin Gaye just to name a few.
RAG: So how did this all begin for you really? When did you fall in love with making music?
Falling in love with music and creating melodies started at an early age at around 11. While growing up music was always played thru out the day.
RAG: What's next for you as an artist?
At this moment of my life i plan to continue making beautiful music and share my story with the rest of the world.
RAG: What inspires you to write a song?
We as humans, we all have some type of inner feelings that we want to express on how we feel upon the real world that we live in. Some of us come from a place where you are born in a country that is a war torn for over 60 years and during those years you tend to know and feel the effects that take toll on me and all my people. i'm from Eritrea by the way.. this coming May 24th ERITREA WILL CELEBRATE ITS 31ST INDEPENDENCE. So with that said, if you happened to listen to all my music you will know a bit more about my story.
RAG: What are you doing when you're NOT working on music?
When i'm not working on music I'm definitely spending time with my family, especially my kiddos 8 and 11.
RAG: Who are you listening to right now?
At the moment I'm listening to Sade.
RAG: Are you doing live performances?
Yes we have finally gotten back to do live shows with the band and will be live June 18th North County San Diego. That located in OCEAN SIDE CA.
RAG: This single seems like a big undertaking. What kind of advice might you have for other up and coming artists out there?
My only advice for all indie up and coming artist is to never give in on what you love. Don't worry about the bumpy roads remember the labor of love.
RAG: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
I just want to say to fans of the music. Thank you for always supporting, your energy always resonates on me to keep pushing and working on new materials. Peace Love AND Light to you ALL!