Knock Before Entering drops their R&B infused indie-pop EP Anywhere But Here and it's a creation with a perfect blend of soulful vocals and hip hop undertones with guitar hooks and radio friendly choruses.
The EP is a very honest and straight forward one lyrically and these guys don't hold back when it comes to genre bending. There is even the occasional guitar solo here and there; and tasteful ones at that.
The record is laced with addictive vocal melodies, musical licks that stick with you, and all seem to be built from a heavy emotional platform.
It feels like songs of youth and passion while musicianship wise these guys seem seasoned and the tracks are performed with grace and attitude.
With such an in depth EP, we wanted to have a chat with Knock Before Leaving to get into how this happened and what influenced it.
RAG: Okay guys, let's start with the Anywhere But Here EP. This is a genre bender of a record that's very pop oriented but also feels R&B and rock, ambient guitars and just killer songs. Where did this EP come from?
KBE: “Anywhere But Here” definitely came from pure passion and excitement to create music. What we heard and liked we implemented!
RAG: This is a great release! Are you guys proud of it?
KBE: Of course! Being our premier EP, it will always hold a special place in our hearts.
RAG: How long have you guys been doing this? How did this all start for you?
KBE: We’ve all been interested in music/production since the our early ages, it’s always been a key form of expression for us. We all became friends within recent years through different organizations we’d joined, and pretty much reached our culminating point with KBE.
RAG: What next for you as a band? Anything in the works even now?
KBE: 100%. We’ve always got something in the works. As of now, we have about 10-20 individual songs/concepts in the mix that we are in the process of fleshing out and seeing where to take them.
RAG: Did you used to play live shows before? Do you think you'll be planning gigs when the time comes?
KBE: All of us have performed live, but interestingly enough, as individuals. We got Cam rapping during open mics/house concerts, Brandon performing live sets as a DJ, and Gilad and Ari singing at acapella concerts. Unfortunately though, performing live together as KBE hasn’t been a possibility as of late, but we’re super excited for the day that comes!
RAG: What does someone like you do when you're not working on music?
KBE: Live our lives the best we can, but really we’re always doing music. You could say all of our lives are pretty intertwined with music, it’s everywhere we go and we can’t get enough.
RAG: What kind of advice would you give other aspiring artists out there just trying to get heard?
KBE: Content content content. Just keep producing and find your sound. No one ever completely gets there there’s always more to learn. Last but least, make sure you’re living healthy and happy, never be afraid to take it slow.
RAG: What sort of non-musical things influence you to write?
KBE: Life experience and the dynamics that come with it. Could be anything from stray cat walking down the street to a past/present love. Life is music waiting to be recorded.
RAG: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of your music?
KBE: We love you, special thanks, we do it for you just as much if not more than we do it for ourselves. Leave no door to life unchecked, but as always, Knock Before Entering.