A fresh banger from Nicolai Liesner brings a sultry smoothness to a mellow pop format with alluring vocals, all kinds of lush guitar textures, and an almost 90's undertone that all feels warm.
"Not Getting Down" has tons of flavor and color as it plays out with a tasteful chorus and an R&B feel that swims around you and engulfs you in the sound.
The track has a radio friendly style and the chill factor keeps throughout the songs course while that pop sensibility lays on the forefront.
The song builds in a subtle way and vocals fill the songs atmosphere with a touch of ambience and loads of swagger.
A gorgeous array of instrumentation begins to fill out any spaces and notes layer over each other in a deep groove while the rhythm and percussion gets stronger.
This single has tons of character and paints its picture with a glorious palette.
"Not Getting Down" is the latest in a string of singles released from Liesner this year and each track has something refreshing to offer and bring to the table.
The songs change and evolve but always keep that pop tonality and quickly hook you in with melodies that stick in your head long after the song has ended.
We suggest starting with "Not Getting Down" and hitting the back catalog from there as you're more than likely to find plenty for your playlists.
These songs set the mood and keep strong with outstanding production and heart.