A recent release from Kalos delivers a lush and rustic Folk soundscape comprised of instruments that complement each other and create textures that flow and Men together while it's all delivered with a massive character that you end up becoming very quickly attached to.
The Headland album has a vintage richness to it that feels alive and breathing and the deeper into the album you go the more you pick up on elements of improvisation and this joyous energy that is completely evident as each of the players in the group is feeding off of each other the entire time giving everything a live performance tonality and approach.
The performances and deliveries throughout this entire record are absolutely electric and songs have ways of coming through cinematic and bountiful as they draw off certain emotional backbones at times, and I feel like this is an album that you need to listen to from beginning to end as a whole rather than just a few songs at a time.
Some of the tracks can be very fast while others make you want to get up and dance with the underbelly of some sort of mid-century village celebration while everyone dances and enjoys their jubilee.
The record consists of several main instruments from violin to acoustic guitar and accordion with other elements in the blend including some great vocals that flow right along with the theme of the record and it all has such an amazing atmosphere that it lets you actually escape into it to the point where you forget about your surroundings for that chunk of time while you're listening.
This is a gift in music, and I adore it because that when you have something like this it just wraps itself around you and keeps you right where it wants to.
Without a doubt, you can tell that these guys have an absolute ball playing together and probably will be doing so until the day they die or at least I hope so because they are putting their talents and love for music together in a way that people like Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli used to.
It's as if they found their musical soulmates to an extent and have decided to put together this vast and utterly enjoyable album together in celebration of such a find.
Songs feel like they interconnect almost like a concept record, and this is more experience than just an album so it should be listening to the full album the way it was meant to be listened to.
Each song takes you on a small musical journey and in that journey, you can picture things vividly in your head and this creates a sort of impactful feeling that the entire album encompasses.
I would suggest listening to this robust and warm album with headphones on so you can just swim through everything and let yourself get engulfed in the stories and the music.
This will affect people and I think that you should listen to this whole thing and see how it affects you.
With outstanding performances from top to bottom and a class of musicianship that is humble, welcoming, warming, and packed with character, this record is stellar.