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The Indie Folk-pop Stylings of Jimso Slim

"Abilene" is the latest singled dropped from Jimso Slim and it certainly has a way of attaching itself to you and not letting go.

This new-folk track holds true to an indie sound and keeps a real roots folk feel under it's skin.

Loaded with some southern guitars and vocals that bend and and sway with the songs feel all becomes a cross between classics like Dylan, Daniel Johnston, and more.

Jimso Slim is an absolutely great example of a powerful youth in songwriters that are taking over right now.

Letting it all go and creating terrific songs with less boundaries than before and making everything feel free.

"Abilene" does give off that free spirit vibe and it's super catchy hooks draw you in quickly.

The single is a great next step in this artists evolution from his last release dubbed What's The Deal; a full length album that is filled with some killer songs as well.

He's even got a newer single right now called "Take A Chance" that delves into a more psychedelic rock feel without losing his folk style and overtone.

Jimso Slim is making waves and creating the music he wants to and that's incredibly important.

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