A recent album released by Leadbetter Band delivers a southern rock tonality that brings to mind this heartland soul and with it comes a burst of character that you end up really latching on to and it's all done with a certain breed of heart that you can hear in every single track on the record.
The Cake album delivers some genuine and full-bodied rock bangers but they all have that southern soul attached to them so, you end up getting caught up in that spirit that's given off, and it's also got this intense and almost electric energy as if these songs were recorded live-on-the-floor and everyone involved was feeding off of each other the entire time.
This record is charged with charisma and a unique drive that revolves around deep-grooved riffs and guitar tones, vocal harmonies that belt and take songs to new levels and this crazy energy so between everything you have a very memorable southern rock album that hits all the sweet spots and more that you could possibly be looking for from a record of its kind.
You get blues, soul, funk, pure and genuine homeland rock and roll, and so much more that it's best to just listen to this whole thing from beginning to end.
Listening to a few tracks will give you a little bit of a clue about what the record has in store for you but it doesn't give you the full range or spectrum that the album actually has to offer.
This was insanely fun and obviously comes from a band that has a pure love for their craft, and when I say that I don't just mean playing their instruments, I mean getting together and releasing songs into the world because it feels good and because it's purely a passion project.
The bend Oregon-based trio features frontman and guitarist Eric Ledbetter along with Aaron Moore and Kaleb Kelleher who, together have been hitting some of the festival circuits and don't have plans to stop anytime soon.
These guys have such a great approach and way of blending old-school and genuine blues and soul rock into something that feels updated but never loses that character or persona, never loses that heart, and keeps true to its roots.
This album was hard-hitting in plenty of ways and you can tell these guys are just having a blast doing their thing, which makes it feel all the better when you listen to it.
Just listening to those grooving and bending guitar riffs and even that tone that they give off just really has a way of wrapping itself around you and keeping you right where it wants to.
Listening to this record makes you want to see them live in your face because if they can capture energy like this on record, then seeing a lot of performance must be amazing.
And, obviously it seems like they love performing live seeing that they're hitting that Festival circuit.
This was an endlessly fun record that had a vivaciousness and felt like home listening to it.
It's killer southern rock with a warmth and that works like a charm for these guys.
But don't just take my word for it, have a listen for yourself and see how it affects you.
Don't be afraid to turn it up.