The musical project known as The Ryan Express was originally created in 2006 following the dissolution of the prior grunge band, known as Wave on the Barrage. Initially, The Ryan Express started out as an acoustic singer-songwriter project. At this time, exploration went into sound engineering which resulted in the creation of the recording, mixing, and mastering studio known as Fountainworks Recordings. The studio, operated by Ryan Hubener, provided a creative environment for the production of the first album titled “Please Be Seated” which was released in 2008. Over the next 10 years, songwriting evolved and new compositions were self-produced culminating in the 2nd studio album titled “Let’s Not and Say We Did”. With this album, instrumentation was filled out to create a full band production. During this time, Fountainworks Recordings also experienced advances and upgrades in technology which boosted the production quality. January 2021, a close friend passed away under traumatic and unexpected circumstances. This fueled the creative writing process, and many new compositions came forth again from The Ryan Express. From 2021 – 2023 recording, mixing, and mastering took place to self-produce the album titled “Underground” which was released December 2023. This album performed solely by Ryan Hubener, reflects on the emotions and internal turmoil during this time. Music by The Ryan Express leans towards the raw and edgy sound of the 90’s alternative rock genre and could be described as genuine, authentic, powerful and melodic. The music is available on all major streaming platforms. You’re invited to listen, and enjoy this refreshing new music!
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