With the release of the Static album, Night Protocol takes a new approach to some classic styles to create something all their own. Laced with character, an edgy and colorful undertone, and plenty of hooks, the record boasts the aesthetic of synthwave and synthpop anthems.
The first single "Heart Surge" grabs you with a seriously catchy and nostalgic sound, a wild energy, and plenty of saxophone to sweeten the feel.
"Heart Surge is a song about a love so intense it borders on dangerous. It’s the kind of out-of-control emotional spiral that everyone fears (but deep down, desires). A love like this burns hot and burns out fast, taking down collateral in the crossfire. But in the heat of the moment, it’s bliss," explains vocalist Amanda Marquis of their single.
Although the singles speak volumes for the album, to get a full understanding of where Night Protocol is really coming from, the album should be heard in its entirety.
Night Protocol began in 2017 as a 3-piece synthwave outfit and have since expanded to a full 5-piece band who performs live. Although their sounds and production styles have evolved, the band has always created music with a nostalgic impact and driving electronic elements.
“In the earliest days of our band, we embraced ‘synthwave’ as a musical genre and aesthetic. Although we still retain a love for the classic sounds and styles that inspire electronic music as we know it today, this album (Static) seeks to expand the bounds of synthwave to create our own unique blend of electronic and organic instruments. While many synthwave artists are completely dependent on the electronics and software that emulate classic sounds, this album seeks to redefine the process with live instrumentation, analog synthesizers, and new production methods to unite the sounds of the past, present, and future,” says the band of their progression in songwriting.
Exploding with analog synthesizers, saxophone and guitar solos, and a thick palette to keep songs genuine, Night Protocol have made it their mission to take the genre into new arenas, and their latest album “Static” is a testament to how they have grown.
The album is available on most digital outlets for streaming and download and the band is already working on new music videos and music for upcoming releases.
To learn more about Night Protocol please visit their website at: Night Protocol